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"I know when to go out..."

Tools for anti-racists, Malcolm X in Smethwick, and lockdown birthdays

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Brave new what?

I’ve been thinking about trees a lot recently and enjoying some of London’s rare trees from my desk via this this web site which launched this week. I’ve also been looking back at old travel photos to try to not mind that I’m going nowhere fast.

Members Public

Different boats, same storm

Last year, I was honoured to be selected by the Runnymede Trust to join a project working on Reframing Race. It has been a humbling experience to be part of a team working to create narratives to change the conversation about race. If you believe, as I do, that racism

Different boats, same storm
Members Public

The garden of earthly delights

My annual purchase of gardening delights was thwarted by lockdown doom. Fortunately the garden centre came to me instead this week via Plant Savers. The Edelman Trust Barometer Spring update reported that 67% of respondents to their annual survey believe that those with less education, less money and fewer resources

The garden of earthly delights
Members Public


“Let us go forth with fear and courage and rage to save the world.”

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Give a little bit

Recently I had a chat with someone who’s been furloughed by their employer and feels really lost and lonely, while also feeling guilty that her colleagues are busier than they’ve ever been. With more than 70% of UK employers furloughing staff as the scheme went live this week,

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Because normal was the problem

As we started to see some signs that the UK lockdown was working, people’s thoughts have started to turn towards life after the current crisis. For those of us working for social justice, we’re not going to be content with a return to “normal”. My friend, Paul de

Because normal was the problem
Members Public

If you're in the market for an UpRising, I'm your woman

(Email to UpRising [] staff on my last day 29.3.19) My gosh what do you ever say on your last day in an organisation? I've been thinking lots of thoughts over the last few weeks as this day got nearer and now

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Out the window

The new It's Not Normal

Out the window
Members Public

Same, but different

Since last week’s newsletter, the world seems to have lurched on its axis. Everything looks the same, yet everything is different. Horizons have narrowed, time has slowed, and the city has stilled. The peace should help me to concentrate, but my mind is racing. I’m the kind of
