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Guest Blog: Helping Staff To Feel They Belong

Guest blog about inclusivity at work from Kath Howard - Assistant Director of People & OD at Samaritans Organisations can be lonely places. It’s not unusual for organisations to talk about ‘employee engagement’ and inclusion but when the big stuff goes on in someone’s personal life, it’s

A handshake
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Blinking and thinking

Tuning into instinct, how to create new values, and Moonstruck

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Where Power Lies: Putting Lived Experience at the Heart of Decision-Making

> 'There’s really no such thing as the “voiceless”. There are only the deliberately silenced, or the preferably unheard.’ – Arundhati Roy Right from the outset of my quarter-century career in the voluntary sector, I’ve been troubled by the frequent disconnect between those at the leadership levels of

Where Power Lies: Putting Lived Experience at the Heart of Decision-Making
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Every day is women’s day

although it sure doesn't feel like it

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All about my mother

Not your usual newsletter this week

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Queen of the New Year

Looking for hope in dark times

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Passing the Baton and Sharing Power

As we enter the next phase of living with Covid-19, it’s been interesting to look back and reflect on what this time has revealed about the interplay between social change and power, particularly in London where I live and work, and where I am also a Lambeth councillor. In

Passing the Baton and Sharing Power
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Pride Month in a Plague Year

It’s a strange Pride Month this year. Instead of coming together in festivals, marches and celebrations during June and on into the summer, over 500 Prides around the world have been cancelled or postponed. Lesbians, gay men, bi, and transgender people the world over are reeling from the impacts

Pride Month in a Plague Year
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Charities Seem to be Failing at Change and Justice. So What’s the Point of Them?

I wrote this post with my colleague, Matthew Sherrington. It originally appeared in Third Sector Let us know what you think! There are moments when scales fall from eyes, and you start seeing things afresh, perhaps as they always were. Moments that become turning points. Covid 19 should be the

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Exciting new equality, diversity and inclusion project news!

ChangeOut have been appointed to lead a partnership diversity and inclusivity review and we’re very excited to be embarking on this work. Co-operatives UK [], Locality [], Plunkett Foundation, [] and Power to Change []share

Exciting new equality, diversity and inclusion project news!