Joining the dots
A lot has happened in a week.
Pretty much everything I was supposed to be doing has been either cancelled or postponed so I’ve been focusing on my work as a councillor and supporting the residents and businesses in Stockwell, joining the dots between people wanting to offer help and those needing it.
As seen across the country, there’s been an outpouring of desire to help each other.
Stockwell’s Mutual Aid efforts have focused this week on organising ourselves and communicating with people across the ward. We have our own Facebook group now to field requests for help. The borough wide co-ordination is here and there are loads of open source materials available. Age UK Lambeth is also doing fantastic work. We must remain vigilant not to let this crisis further damage already vulnerable communities. I’ve been speaking to local GPs, pharmacists and residents’ association to make sure we can help those most affected.
Whatever happens through the charity sector’s response to coronavirus, we must make sure we keep our focus on equity. I was pleased to see ACEVO’s event on exactly this topic is taking place remotely on Monday 23 March. Sign up here.
Many people are learning how to get used to home working and it’s been a time for old hands at this to lead the way. Thanks for these excellent hints and tips, Nikki Bell.
It’s also crucial that we try to look after our mental health as much as our physical health. I have my gardening and seeing the buds opening on my plants always gives me hope
I’ve been finding that, like many of us, my sleep is very disrupted at the moment so I’ve decided to take up regular yoga. A friend had followed the Yoga with Adriene 30 day programme in January and I thought I’d give it a go. It’s giving me much joy, as much as anything for the laugh of looking utterly ridiculous every morning.
The government’s release of the report into the Windrush Scandal seemed terrible timing. My Lambeth colleague and Windrush campaigner, Sonia Winifred, responds here:

I originally met Kizzy Gardiner in her usual role as a charity fundraising leader and I’ve been hugely proud to follow her now she’s working as maternity cover to MP Stella Creasy. I can’t think of a more competent and principled person and it was good to see her featured in The Guardian this week.
What am I reading?
Having just finished Isabel Hardman’s Why We Get the Wrong Politicians and feeling pretty depressed, I’ve turned to Dear Friend and Gardener, a collection of letters between Beth Chatto and Christopher Lloyd, two gardening heroes. A treasured friendship over decades.
What am I watching?
We were looking for something to make us smile. Having grown up in the countryside not too far away from This Country, I’ve really enjoyed the first few episodes. A perfect combination of melancholy and humour.
London’s so much quieter than it usually is. I noticed yesterday what a huge difference the reduction in flights is making. I can hear the birds singing.
I hope that we’ll come out the other side of this disaster with more sensible priorities.
I hope that we realise we don’t need 60 different types of sausages and the latest iPhone and weekend breaks away.
I hope that we can get to know our neighbours and know that they will help us if we need them to.
I hope.
Be well,
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