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Remember the Big Idea

No one ever started a charity with a small idea. The Red Cross was started in 1863 by Swiss businessman Henry Dunant, who was appalled by the suffering of thousands of men left to die on the battlefield after the Battle of Solferino in 1859. His work led to the

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Lessons in inclusion from the corporate sector

It is well documented that UK civil society doesn’t represent wider society. Only Barnardos, St Mungos and Victim Support featured in Stonewall’s Top 100 Workplace Equality Index 2018. Furthermore, research by Colour of Power published in October 2017 found that only two of the top 10 charities have

Lessons in inclusion from the corporate sector
Members Public

Sharing Your Platform Doesn't Mean Giving Up Your Power

On 2 July 2016, 60,000 people took part in a March for Europe from Park Lane to Parliament Square. There were probably 60,000 different reasons for being there. Mine was to share a message of togetherness, reconciliation and tolerance. When I was asked to speak, I immediately wanted

Sharing Your Platform Doesn't Mean Giving Up Your Power