Same, but different
Since last week’s newsletter, the world seems to have lurched on its axis. Everything looks the same, yet everything is different. Horizons have narrowed, time has slowed, and the city has stilled. The peace should help me to concentrate, but my mind is racing. I’m the kind of
Joining the dots
A lot has happened in a week.
The category is...realness
(with apologies to Billy Porter)
What about the men?
There’s been much discussion this week about workplace culture. In the charity sector we had the release of the Charity Commission’s report into the failure of leadership at Save the Children and the boss at Alzheimer’s Society stepped away early following a series of bullying allegations and
A leap into the unknown
Your equalities and politics round up There was much celebration and relief to see the Harvey Weinstein conviction and see some sort of justice being done for some of the women who spoke out. I can’t help feeling bad for the hundreds of women who shared their pain but
Odes and ends
I felt far sadder than I expected to feel about our departure from the European Union a week ago. At the moment of departure itself, I was singing “Ode to Joy” with tears streaming down my face with members of the 3 Million campaign group. The EU might miss the
Where did EU go?
So that’s it. We’re done. Only a few more hours of the UK’s decades-long European Union membership left. As someone who can’t remember not being a part of this European family, who has studied, lived, worked, and holidayed throughout Europe, including every single one of the
The newsletter
I write a regular newsletter about my adventures navigating issues of equality, equity, social justice, and diversity: the work I’m doing, the campaigns I’m involved in, people I’ve met, what I’m listening to and the books I’m reading. Even the music I’m listening to.
The First Rule of Equality Book Club
Against a backdrop of division in politics and the wider world, it felt good to hold the first meeting of the Equality Book Club to discuss and explore issues of social justice with people who are committed to learning from each other and moving forward together. We started by discussing

What's this ChangeOut all about then?
ChangeOut is a social enterprise and consultancy working with charities, activists and campaigners