Blinking and thinking
Tuning into instinct, how to create new values, and Moonstruck
As some parts of our world emerge blinking into the newest stage out of the pandemic, I can’t help feeling uncertain whether we really are on the way out or whether new variants will turn us back again. And I feel so fearful for so many other people around the world who don’t have roadmaps and vaccines, or even oxygen. When this all began I remember thinking how happy we’d be when it was all over. I had visions of us all emerging into the streets to celebrate together like the footage of the end of World War II.
Clearly, it’s not going to be like that at all. But I have started to arrange to meet some work people in the actual flesh again. Hopefully I won’t accidentally hug them!
One of the things I’ve been thinking about this week is how to tap into and not repress my intuition. When problem solving, I often find myself talking myself out of my instinctive first thoughts rather than sticking with them.
I then find, sometimes years later, that the first ideas were the best ideas.
It’s a bit like when the answer to an obscure quiz question pops into my mind and I think to myself, “I can’t possibly know that. How do I know that?” so I keep quiet and, of course, it turns out to have been the right answer 🙄
Interesting and useful links 🖇️
My old colleagues at UpRising have launched a new and free online employability programme for 18-24 year olds, Stand Out. More info and sign up info here.
I really liked this update from Platypus Digital on how they’ve created a new set of values for their organisation.
If done right, values should help you decide what qualities to look for in new team members, help focus team progression and guide your current team to decide what to do when there’s multiple options open to them in all kinds of situations.
This week The Guardian marked 200 years since their first edition. As part of this, here’s 200 years of The Guardian race reporting.
Learning points 🎓
Charity budgets are your donors’ money which your trustees, and through them you and your teams, hold in trust to help more children, save more whales, etc.
Never forget that
Day of the Week 📆
It’s been Mental Health Awareness week this week so here’s an excellent compilation of mental health themed reading lists
What am I reading? 📚
Me? I’ve had this week off work so I’ve been reading fiction. Hooray!
I loved Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell and I also hoovered up her 2021 Women’s Prize shortlisted, Piranesi.
What am I watching? 👀
Ah it was sad that Olympia Dukakis died the other week.
I thought I’d watch Moonstruck because I do love a rom com. Olympia plays Cher’s mum. It’s tremendous although seeing a New York City skyline with the Twin Towers intact always gives me a bit of a jolt.

What am I listening to? 👂
Mohabbat from Arooj Aftab’s new album, Vulture Prince, dedicated to grieving the loss of her brother, is beautiful.
Have a great weekend everyone
Lucy x
PS And don’t forget to trust your instinct!
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ChangeOut is created by Lucy Caldicott. You can find more about my work at If you’re looking to have a chat about culture, leadership, purpose, equity, or a facilitated team discussion about any of those things, get in touch. You can also find me on Bluesky, Instagram, and, LinkedIn.
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