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ChangeOut offers consultancy and project support to charities, activists and campaigners on issues ranging from strategy to operations, from governance to delivery, from income generation to communications. Equity, representation, and inclusivity are at the very heart of our work.

We’re highly experienced in reviewing and implementing new organisational structures, alternative ways of recruiting and developing staff, and different ways of delivering programmes, campaigning and raising funds. We believe in supporting people to do their very best.

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The newsletter

I write a regular newsletter about my adventures navigating issues of equality, equity, social justice, and diversity: the work I’m doing, the campaigns I’m involved in, people I’ve met, what I’m listening to and the books I’m reading. Even the music I’m listening to.

Recent Posts

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Dangerous, demeaning and immoral

Trump 2.0's war on DEI

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A jubilee, not a retirement?

Do the Spanish have a better word for retirement? Campaigning against ageism and 180 years of the cooperative movement.

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End of year post

Another long and tiring year draws to a close. What next?
